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H.D.Z. Watches Film Trailers like...'Marwen'...and the new 'Jake and his Art'

Hello, I'm a boy who lives in LBC and I've recorded myself watching some movie 'trailers' which I like to call moving story appetizers.

 Marwen! Trailer#3
It's nice. I wonder if there will be a Hank-Lloyd'd be neat...
Steve's visage is very sweet. I wish he was my uncle. As is Zemeckis.
I need a raise in my allowance.
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Here's the next mini-narrative from big filmmakers with a included shot of my reactions to the their collections of moving pictures with audio...'Velvet Buzzsaw' with talented theater performer Jake Gellinhall. Gillenhall. Geillyhall. Gillenhall. Gillenroom. Gillenhot. Gillen you'll aways be bubble boy in my heart hall...he's in Velvet Buzzsaw and he's really really nice to watch and talk mostly through out the whole thing. There was moments where I was worried for his well being but I continued and eventually fordge my own path for him for I didn't wish to worry to much and well there you have my explinations or possible subconscious on foldings (i take college classes...i take them up!) uhhhh...anybody want to sell me their house for a year for three fiddy? no lakes.

So that was Velvet Saw...I called it Velvet rotations.

I hope you enjoy my work and the works of others that I pay for.
Live long and prosper fellow life out there, be good and good will come.
