Work in Progress...
But for now, here's this!
The first HDZ's Marty Flying Doc's stuff to Music!
Episode one: Mary Poppin Return's Overture!
Piloting of Marty and the Train
Hamid David Zehdar
HDZ Disneyland adventures simulation recording
More BTTF run by me!
HDZ's Hill Valley's flying what's it's to the tune of Prague ST C 2019 01 02 09 35 37
Hello! Hamid David Zehdar here, what I've uploaded is another flight to the Prague's Star Trek Concert, searchable on youtube...I hope forever! heh...well, we get a glitch in the simulation of the time space continuum like a Hamid Mcfly piloting a Brown moddiffied Delorean time machine and Time Travelin' steam powered train. It runs on music!
Hello, HDZee again here, I have a montage now of stuff, over an hour long! it's slow here and htere but it's a blast elsewhere! It's also rated R in parts so becareful hwere you play this and be of age!