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Monday, June 27, 2011

Grab bag of photos with some words. Read the words?

I often wonder what the meaning of life is. I'm afraid I won't have an answer before I die, so I'll have to have kids so they have a chance to finish my work and if they run out of time, then they'll have kids to figure out that question, if not those kids then... more offspring...if they don't get it then...oh look. A cup cake.

Contrary to the color of the frosting, it's not Ghost flavored. 
Maybe the meaning of life is up to you. It's your responsibility to figure out a driving force behind your actions, to give reason for leaving your bed and putting on socks...

I bet you thought I was going to say semen flavored, because semen is also white.
My reason...

False, I'm not a 13 year-old
...for being... 

As I type this caption, I'm resisting a huge urge to defecate. to eat at Coffee Cup.

I wonder if my friend's friend drew this. If that's the case then my friend's friend drew this.

Pretty sure this is the homeless version of Portal. I think the homeless guy who did this was Asian. 

Hagrid's fleshlight. If you don't know what a fleshlight is please don't google it Mom, because you will disown me.

Few people knew the great commute the Libyan Terrorists had to reach the mall Doc Brown was hiding out at.

This is a mission in California...I don't remember where. 

I bet that bird is pissed for the lack of sharing. 
