11/7/2022 Perahaps the title Le titless...hmmm...Uh...The Heavens and Hayvens will be fine.11/10/2022 Perahaps the title The Heavens and Hayven during the shayduhhed...part of a rowtayshaun.
11/12/2022 This is called the Mountain of Universal Studios Fanwood Room two...with a Bed. Room one is just my office. That's almost all of the rooms for now of U.S.F.
That's 7 so far.
The really important Herbal Essense, for me at least, a full body soap. Rose hips. So good.08/08/2022 Self watering Plants. ONLY...near Universal Studios Fanwood.And then it was The Night inbetween the 16th and the 17th...Novembeer 2022Dad and I are investing in the NEW best koobedeh (once skured ground beef on rice) akording to my T-Moebill Brain Computer 1987 dot 2022 edishaun the best tradishaunal Persian Food that is about ground ideally seasoned beef cooked to perfeckshaun. Flat bread and butter is Rekomended for readers to put round the beef for a Old New world purrin' burrito.Golly Gay photonick patterns...The Trek back to the fanwood was neat. Papa Mario looks, I story, to the hayven for more United Nayshaunz Koynz (old fashaun 'Coins'...new Fashaun Koynz).
14 photos so far...for this new postin' Ther zzzz Day...of March 23rd 2023 St. Jesus Kalldender.
16 OC kowntea USA bucks an hour. Good deal for lots of Graduates and near Graduates with Worker's Permits signed by their Parents and School district employeez if my 2003 or whenever Famlee De'LBUSD suggests.
The Cameraman, of many, photonic resscepshaun of what was seen by my D5500 then...bekause I Previewed it!
17 photos above. 3 more to go.